The Relationship Between Your Payday Loan And Credit Score

15 June 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Payday loans are a great option if your credit history has suffered as a result of financial hardship. You may be able to obtain a loan that you would otherwise have a very difficult time obtaining. There are a few ways that payday loans can affect your credit score and that your credit score can affect your payday loan. Lenders May See Your Payday Loan History Lenders may gain access to your payday loan history when considering you for a loan. Read More 

How To Choose Between A Signature Loan And A Payday Loan

18 May 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

When a bill arrives overdue and with shutoff warnings attached, it's tempting to take the first loan offer you find to settle your financial obligations. However, quick loans vary greatly depending on who's offering them and the type of loan. Find out why a signature loan is a better option than a payday loan for most borrowers.   Credit Worthiness The biggest difference between payday and signature loans involves credit scores. Read More 

Use Of Home Equity To Pay For Elder Care Services

18 May 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Home equity can be a valuable financial resource for elderly individuals who need help paying for long-term-care expenses. Whether you need the money to help cover the cost of a nursing home stay or pay the expenses for home health care, before you tap into the equity in your home, it's important to consider the types of home equity loans available. Conventional Home Equity Loan/Home Equity Line of Credit While you must pay back the loan with interest, the total cost of a conventional home equity loan or line of credit can be less than that associated with a reverse mortgage, which generally comes at a higher interest rate and with more upfront costs. Read More 

Visiting Your Small Business’s Accountant For The First Time? How Should You Prepare?

17 May 2016
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you've recently opened a small business, you may be excited but exhausted -- and eagerly anticipating the point at which you'll have a steady enough profit to hire some employees and take a few days off every once in a while. So when you're scrambling just to keep your head above water in the early stages of a new business, you may find yourself putting tax issues on the back burner. Read More 

Already Set Aside Money For Your Kids? Why You Also Need A Smart Plan

17 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're someone who's fortunate to have enough assets to pass on to your children, your family should be in a pretty good position for the future. However, you probably know that having money doesn't exempt you from worrying about your household budget. If your kids are still young and far away from having their own earning potential, here are two things to consider: 1. Life Insurance Life insurance can be a great way to give your family an extra buffer from financial problems in the case of your passing. Read More